Our preference is to conduct all initial assessments in rooms.
Typically an initial assessment will take between 1.5 – 2hrs.
This assessment will help determine the course of treatment required.
Our physiotherapists will use standardised outcome measures to assess your child’s function, strengths and challenges.
A few of the standardised assessments used in our clinic include:
Range of motion, manual muscle testing
2D Gait analysis
Sensory Dynamic Orthosis (SDO) measurements and fittings
Movement ABC Assessment
Australian Spasticity Assessment Scale (ASAS) and Modified Ashworth Scale to measure tone
Neurological, Sensory, Motor and Developmental Assessment (NSMDA)
Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE)
Paediatric Balance Scale
Hi-Level Mobility Ax Tool (HiMAT)
Community Balance and Mobility Scale (CB&M)